
I get many questions about my AI-images generation.

Mainly how it’s possible to keep the main character the same.

Easy: I always use the same prompt template.

Character: Young woman with dark brown, short wavy hair, Caucasian, and large, brown eyes.

Context: free to fill in

Surrounding: free to fill in

Style: European comic book style, soft colours. Landscape

The context and surrounding I’ll fill in depending on what I have in mind.

Sometimes, I want to create an image without a character, then I just delete the first part and describe the scene.

I always have a lot of fun creating them. Sometimes, I get it right immediately, and other times, it takes a while.

I use Dall•E; I’ve also tried MidJourney, but I like the results less.

Shout out to Maya Collins, I got the idea from her (on Medium).
