
I was never the least interested in this "do viruses exist debate" because it doesn't matter if they do or don't. I think it is just another stupid distraction. Why don't we all become defenders of our immune systems instead?

If you take away all the noise, details and distractions of Big Pharma - they have only one enemy - a fully functioning immune system and people that trust and support that.

Of course, they can't say that. But if we look at most of their actions and toxic stuff they have put out over the past 100 years (and especially over the past 30 years or so) - most of them, under the disguise of specialized medicine and medical procedures - is weakening and killing people's natural immune system - profit enemy No.1 for Big Pharma. While trageting very specific areas and possibly even creating short-term improvements, they destroy the holistic functioning of our bodies.

Stop getting distracted by unimportatn details that divides dissident movements against pharma.

See the big picture.

Alec Zeck's claims of the "end of virology" are VERY seriously flawed
He calls it "Perhaps The Most Important Work of Our Time." Hardly. It's all BAD science that proves (or disproves) absolutely nothing other than it is easy to fool people who are not scientists.