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New York Times, you should be ashamed

What is wrong with the Times? They have been undermining President Biden since he took office, and it’s only getting worse. Maureen Dowd and Frank Bruni aren’t doing him any favors either. Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post just wrote an article about the importance of good judgement for a president to have. On a judgement scale it would be Biden 100, trump 0. She is a small voice in the media wilderness.

I really like Jennifer Rubin. She has a keen mind and a law degree, I believe.

Interestingly enough, a few weeks ago I saw a surprising amount of criticism around of her because she was being so favorable to Joe, by the Democrats. This "purity" thing is going to kill all of us. Every side is now so "pure" in what they demand, we're in danger of losing everything. Living in this world successfully and peacefully demands we have more flexibility. I'm not saying give up on what's right but these idiots that want to "show Joe" if he doesn't do what they want because they think it's the only right, they don't seem to understand they will get the other guy who will make sure they don't get any of it. Show me anybody, here or Israel, who thinks Netanyahu is a good guy and should be in charge, outside of his "pure" group. And he's just running, like Trump, to stay out of prison.

Jun 10
10:27 AM