This is such a good and important question. Feel like I could write essays (plural) on this and the importance of maintaining perspective amidst the rigor of youth sports calendars.

My knee jerk answer reminds me of the question, what’s the best way to cook with your toddler - don’t. 😉

Jokes aside, I think it’s similar to the early years when you had to plan and be nimble. All the planned together time with your spouse won’t happen. Try your best to carve out time and take what the defense gives you. Coffee date during the week, something special you can fit in.

I do think there’s value in talking with your spouse and kids in the early years, say late elementary, when the schedule is only marginally insane, about which games/meets you’ll prioritize and which ones you might miss. I know a lot of parents set 100% attendance expectations for every single game. Youth sports are notoriously unforgiving with the calendar, perhaps only rivaled by European football leagues. Going to every single game simply does not allow much time for anything else. Some of my best games were ones my parents didn’t go to. Not sure if it was coincidence but I felt supported by them regardless of whether they were there in the stands or not.

Sep 18
8:19 PM