
Down the road from my house. London Jews (and others) in a show of force, booting pro-Jihadi types out of the area. My dad is somewhere in there.

Context: a local cinema dared to screen a documentary outlining the unfathomably horrific crimes carried out by Hamas and other Palestinians on Oct 7. As a result, ‘pro-Palestinian’ activists vandalised the building, and tried to force the showing to be cancelled. They get away with this illiberal, intimidatory bullshit across the Muslim world and in the Middle East, and even in large parts of the West. But for once, this time, Jews said ‘fuck that.’ Great to see.

These people can’t BEAR the fact that others are being shown video evidence of the utter savagery of - and war crimes committed by - Islamic supremacist Palestinian groups that CAUSED this nightmarish war.

They can’t be allowed to silence discussion of reality.

I suspect far more people will be secretly pleased to see these leftist/islamist cry-bullies stood up to than one might think from reading the mainstream press and listening to our ‘activist’ class.

I write more in-depth essays on this sort of topic quite regularly. They are on my page, please give them a read and subscribe if you’re interested.
