
Comments: With the new SimplyGo, they could track and limit your travel. In the case of a “pandemic,” they could easily keep you lockdown within the travel bounds they allow you.


“SimplyGo can actually track movements because my card is connected to my dad’s account. The app literally updates my dad where I went, where I alighted, and how much my fare is.

Once, I went to Plaza Singapura, and my dad questioned me the moment I came back. I know he can go to the SimplyGo app to double confirm if I am telling the truth about my whereabouts. It feels worse knowing that he can track my movements via the app. There’s literally no privacy!

The app updates in real-time as well. When my sister comes home from work, my dad can check the time she boards the bus. Sometimes he’ll go: ‘Oh, she’ll be back soon. She just boarded the bus.’ It’s so creepy.

– Miss S, 26

“The SimplyGo system doesn’t show you your card balance. And if too many people ahead of you at the gantry are on SimplyGo, it’s difficult to tell whether the fare gate is registered because it says the same thing on the gantry screen. There’s no changing card balance, so you don’t know you tapped out.

Simply not having my balance shown when I tap in and out of rides becomes an increased inconvenience because I end up boarding the bus without any remaining balance on my card, which could’ve been easily prevented if I could, y’know, see how much money I have left.

And before anyone says I can just pay via the SimplyGo app, just how many apps—ones with only one purpose—do you have on your phone? What a waste of space.”

– Adrianna, 28

“Think about the seniors who will now have to toggle between the app and the card to see their card balance and to top-up. That’s yet another app for them to pick up and learn and navigate. And really, who needs another specialised app for a super-specific purpose?

It’s a case of where if you only have a hammer, everything else looks like a nail. Now, every solution is about streamlining and coming up with an accompanying app.

