
Don't do it if you love your children. They are teaching you a religion they call "science" and they want you to believe it. Once you have accepted the doctrines of that "religion,” you are required to do what it teaches you to do. If something untoward happens to you or your children, you are taught to NOT question the science. You are free to question other things, but not the religion they require you to love and to hold sacred. Whatever they do must be right. You can't question the gods of your own religion, or can you?

PS: If you are afraid to come against them, remember it. Record it down somewhere, because when you are required to face your worst fears if something untoward happens to your children, know that it happened because of your own cowardice on the first place. You didn't fight for it. You gave way to fear. You submitted to their coercion. Even a mother bear knows to protect her cubs with all that she got, but you failed to protect your children. You failed to give it all. Can blame no one but yourself.…
