Newsletters like this one (that is to say: newsletters about theory of film criticism, for lack of a better word) rarely do spectacular numbers. But I just loved Alissa Wilkinson’s description of Joan Didion’s time as a film critic, and I love Didion’s critical ethos.
. I've bookmarked a number of your selections for future purchases. I completely agreee with you when it comes to Merry Edwards. It's one of my favorites. If anyone reading this lives in southern Nevada, Khoury's has it discounted by $10, so I can afford the full bottle;-) Cheers!
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
Congrats on the strong showing for UYPPA! 👏👏👏
My train ride bite, but as always the game was a lot of fun. I have only myself to blame for the werewolf attack. I tried to play it civil. I thought, Geoffrey is a civil guy, he might just make a game with civil werewolves. Thinking was the mistake, tough; when it comes to super natural villains, you shoot first and ask questions never. I guess you can say I fucked around, and then I found out.