
I don’t know if you noticed that but Milei mentioned in his speech at Davos 2024 one Israel Kirzner and the term “market discovery process” which he coined (supposedly).

If you’re not familiar with the name, have a quick read. Even Wikipedia will do.

After you do that, check out this excellent post by

that will complete the picture for you.

Enjoy the show but don’t let yourself forget for a second that it IS a show!…

Multipolar Reality this week: The Troubling Origins of the Austrian School and Javier Milei
Is Javier Milei truly a freedom loving leader or is he a Trojan Horse? How did the Austrian School emerge out of the Hapsburg Empire durin the 19th century, and why have so many leaders of the Austrian School advised fascist regimes- from Austria in 1919 to Brazil in 1964 and Chile under Pinochet?