
Not a good look….to put it mildly…

The person in the centre of the second photo (with the dark blue tie and light blue stripes) is Itamar Ben-Gvir, a Jewish ultra nationalist (and probably the closest thing to a Nazi you can get in a Jewish person imho) who also happens to be Israel’s current Minister of domestic security (which means he is in charge of the Police).

This is pretty scary.

This is a pamphlet for a major event at one of Israel’s major event/concert halls scheduled for this Sunday January 28 and organised predominantly by Messianic Zionist organisations, including “Jewish Might”, the political party of Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s …

Netanyahu and Kahanist allies wage psy-war to sacrifice captives for conquest of Gaza
Uncaptured Media obtains an exclusive recording exposing Netanyahu and his Kahanist collaborators’ plot to sacrifice hostages and demoralize their families' efforts to pressure for an exchange deal
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8:44 PM
Jan 29, 2024