Actually, both responses to the problem (stopping climate change and not stopping it) are both adaptations. We think of them differently because we are not accustomed to thinking about cultural evolution. As the cultural animals we are, we have created a cultural environment in which we live (and evolve). This cultural environment does lie inside of a natural environment, but I think the fact that H sapiens have managed to colonize just about every natural environment (we can even live in outer space!) *without* speciation is pretty good evidence that we evolve our culture to adapt to external environment changes. So, there is no doubt we will adapt, but that adaption will involve stopping climate because we like the climate the way it is and we can do it *because* we are the cultural primate.
I kinda have a polymath approach in my own substack, which discusses various aspects of our current crisis using a variety of social science tools, My own background is retired industrial scientist, Ph.D. chemical engineering. (My wife does music and knitting--I do this).