
Even if you don't care about the myriad ways Joe Biden has bungled both domestic and foreign policy, if you don't want Trump back, now is the last chance to try to get this idiot racist to step aside before his hubris brings us something much worse: a fascist who may well end even the meager democracy we have in this country.

Biden is behind in every swing state in this latest Morning Consult/Bloomberg poll (…), neither of which are right-leaning pollsters. Biden trails the Orange Mussolini by considerably more than the margin of error.

And, keep in mind, this is at a moment when the economy is as strong as it is likely to get (no thanks to Genocide Joe, or any politician, but whatever).

It is not impossible for Democrats to nominate someone else if Biden steps aside. His war chest could be dispersed among other candidates. Other candidates can work to actually bring voters out instead of, as both Biden and Harris are doing, giving them reasons to stay home every single day. But for it to work, Biden has to bow out of the 2024 election now. The more time goes by, the harder it will be to build the necessary momentum to beat Trump. Just look at these polls to see how dire the situation is.


Trump 49% (+5)

Biden 44%



Trump 47% (+5)

Biden 42%



Trump 48% (+3)

Biden 45%



Trump 49% (+10)

Biden 39%



Trump 47% (+3)

Biden 44%



Trump 49% (+8)

Biden 41%



Trump 48% (+8)

Biden 40%

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7:59 PM
Jan 31, 2024