Posted on my blog seven years ago

March 7, 2017

      ON THE SHEARED SHEEP IN TRUMP’S FAT FLOCK (PART ONE). . . . It seems that Donald Trump’s legion of supporters don’t mind being conned by his deceitful populist agenda and simply don’t care that he is provably dishonest and arguably mentally unbalanced, as well as an alleged Russian puppet with a Cabinet and White House staff filled with pro-Russian stooges.

      From all early indications—along with already embracing some Russian ambitions and engaging in a promised newfound American adventurism abroad—the Trump radicals are preparing to loot the federal government, like a Mafia family busting out a local savings & loan. They will try to give nearly everything away—via government contracts, tax breaks, repealed regulations, privatization, and dismantled federal oversight agencies—to a new and emerging class of American oligarchs, who will rival those in Russia.

      Bilking the American economy appears to be their version of “draining the swamp” and “making America great again.” Remarkably, Trump has established his own wall of defense, paid for in full by appealing to the worst instincts of the American voter.  

March 21, 2017

     ON THE SHEARED SHEEP IN TRUMP’S FAT FLOCK (PART TWO). . . . Donald Trump’s supporters will remain faithful just as long as, among other things, 1) new draconian restrictions on immigrants and other foreigners are imposed, aka Trump’s version of “ethnic cleansing,” 2) they can buy, keep, and carry their damn guns, 3) they can use the N-word without being identified as racists by the politically correct crowd, 4) the government stops giving away anything for free—including but not limited to health insurance—to America’s poor and the powerless, whom they want to be further humiliated with forced blood tests and make-work projects, 5) he continues to portray any and all journalists who investigate his shady past and his illegitimate presidency as perpetrators of “fake news,” as well as “enemies of the people,” and 6) the U.S. military will get tough with any foreign government that as much as looks at us cross-eyed, even if our tactics violate international law and the Geneva Conventions.

     And then, of course, there are those Bible-thumpers and flag-wavers who blindly support the philandering, thrice-married Trump and his cynical agenda simply because he is against a woman’s right to choose because “life is sacred”—but continue to support the death penalty because it’s supposedly “a deterrent to crime.”

     What is absolutely breathtaking is the pure and unadulterated hypocrisy of Donald Trump, his basket of deplorables, and the innocent people who follow him simply because they are frightened of the real and imagined demons he has created to divert their attention from the irreversible damage he is doing to America.

     In the end, those who support and defend Trump will be forever responsible for the consequences of every bizarre, reckless, and dangerous decision he makes.

Mar 7
6:43 AM