Don’t let your thoughts steer you off course.

Thoughts are tangled

With moods, emotions, and perceptions.

They can mislead, distract, and derail you.

Instead, fix your gaze on your true north star.

Your values, mission, and beliefs.

Align them with your words,

And infuse them into your thoughts.

When life throws distractions your way,

Stay rooted.

Temptations will pull,

Doubts will whisper,

But your foundation must be unshakable.

Ground yourself in purpose,

Let your actions reflect

Your deepest convictions.

Every decision should echo your core,

Every step should witness your resolve.

In a world full of noise,

Be the voice that stands firm.

Unyielding, unbreakable, unstoppable.

1 Restack
6:29 AM
Aug 19, 2024