Trust the unseen,

For what’s visible to the eye is only half the story.

The real treasures lie in the spaces others ignore,

Where challenges seem insurmountable,

Be the one willing to endure the struggle,

And the one to find the gold buried beneath.


Let your inner vision guide you through,

Past the doubts,

Past the fears,

Past the many obstacles.

To a place where few dare to go.

Where extraordinary rewards await.


The road ahead may be steep,

Lined with huddles testing your resolve,

But it’s in

  • Your persistence

  • Your consistency,

  • Your habits

That will help you push on.

Let your imagination be your compass,

Your courage the fuel that drives you forward.


You can’t choose easy,

Choose what leads to your highest potential.

Reach that summit,

And you’ll realize the journey is greatest reward.

Embrace the uncertainty,

It’s where your dreams take shape.

Every thorn, every snarl, every pothole,

A challenge to sharpen your resolve,

To pick yourself up again,

And prepare you for the heights

You are destined to reach.


Don’t shy away from the hard path, for it’ll

Build you, mold you, change you,

Into someone capable of withstanding the storms,

Emerging stronger, wiser,

More determined than ever.


Your future is not in the comfortable,

It’s discovered in the trials that

Test your limits,

Push you to the walls,

And then you scale them.

As you navigate this road,

Let the whispers of doubt be drowned out

By the roar of your inner fire.

Don’t choose easy,

Choose to blaze a trail.

1 Restack
3:26 PM
Aug 25, 2024