
A pandemic of the vaccinated, it's almost as if the vaccine doesn't work

By the way I've mentioned that my son, a college Junior with a 3.9 GPA, was expelled when his religious exemption at his college was denied. Well after months of trying I finally found a lawyer. Long story short the night before the Winter semester began my son received his religious exemption and he was allowed to start school. Ironically colleges are shut down and completely online at the moment. It's been a hellish …

Here we go sorry to hear about your case and it was resolved, thank God is right! How about Djokovic receiving a medical exemption after being thoroughly reviewed by two panelists in Australia for the Aussie Open. They give him an exemption on the shot but still are beating their citizens for God forbid they poke their head out their front door! The world is twisted and this has to stop. Stay strong people the ride will get crazier.

There can be no true liberty without Christ and Christian morality in a nation and its laws. The U.S. has forsaken those ways and has lived for over a century off the blessings of our forefathers and their strong Christian ideals and laws enacted in government. We are under the judgment of God at this moment because we have forsaken God as a nation and allowed wicked men to rule over us and He has given us over to their wicked will and ways that we might learn: not to kill our unborn, indoctrin…

I remember years ago, like 10 or so people would say “I believe in science” as an excuse for not believing in God. This year I think we’ve seen the fruit of that idolatry. Your point is spot on. That’s my issue with the whole “if it saves one life”. If we want to save lives end abortion. If we don’t start there, we don’t truly care for life. Because that’s where life starts.

I just read the other day how abortion was the leading cause of death last year throughout the world; over 42 million in one year. However, this cannot be placed in the category of disease, but death by willful, deliberate murder. This is a war against humanity waged by wicked people who hate God and hate babies and children. The perpetrators persuade those meant to love and nourish their little ones, to murder them for selfish reasons.

To those who thought the days of the barbarians were worse…

That’s basically infant exposure which was practiced by the Romans.

Jan 5, 2022
9:03 PM