
This is my submission

. On my daily run I often come upon stuff that I like to photograph. What is more ‘in the moment’ than to stop to make a photo of something that catches your eye? Today I went to what I call the ‘grafitty graveyard’ a place of old houses and ruins with their walls covered in grafitty. Also grafitty has something of ‘in the moment’ because normally it is done just out of whatever you want to call it. These two pieces caught my eye. The first one I called it ‘Kiss me if you can!’ the second one, ‘I can’t see you!’. Anyway, my thanks and credits to the artists of the pieces: Cokyone and Jo, whom I unfortunately, don’t know!😊

Photo Challenge - In the Moment
I know a lot of you already have photos ready for this challenge, but I'd still like to invite you to a fun creativity challenge and snap a new photo instead as it's meant to invite creativity.