
The app for independent voices

If you think you talk too fast, try marking your breaths.🗣️

Breath marks give you space and support when you speak.

Your listeners will understand you and you’ll feel better speaking in public.


How to Stay Calm & Speak On at Work- Part 1

This was recorded when i first got the pull up bar. You can vary the difficulty of TRX exercises depending on where you place your feet. #agingshouldntsuck #afriendlynudge #exercisesnacks #trx

Many people chase wealth, status, and achievement because progress is easy to measure.

They fail to realize that the gains that count the most are the hardest to count.

Real growth is building character—striving to improve in generosity, integrity, humility, fairness, courage, or wisdom.

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Task Initiation Avoidance: Why You Can’t Start (And How to Fix It)

One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, “What if I had never seen this before?What if I knew I would never see it again?” ~ Rachel Carson

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I could never post this one enough.

My [Unpopular] Opinions About Wellness Culture

Everything in this post is SPOT ON and exactly why I follow you over so many others. Thank you for saying this!!

#7 is something I wish was talked about a hell of a lot more. As someone who had an eating disorder in the past it's a fine line between being healthy and being obsessive. When I found out I had endometriosis I wanted to try to treat it as naturally as possible. So I did what folks said online and cut out well... a whole lot. Gluten, dairy, eggs, soy (which as a vegetarian didn't leave me with much), legumes, sugar, the list goes on. I was simply scared to eat because I didn't want to "cause" a flare. Years later I realized I had just been feeding into that disorder again by "being healthy" turned out I felt a hell of a lot better when I added back in things like eggs and dairy despite what folks were saying.

Mar 3, 2023
7:00 PM