
Had the best writing session this morning!

It wasn’t a Substack article, it was a little counselling session with myself!

I really needed it, because something had been weighing on my heart recently.

Here’s how my “counselling session” went:

  1. I wrote the problem or funky feeling I was having. “I’ve been feeling funky because I don’t know if I should celebrate publicly when I get to 500 subscribers”

  2. Important: I went into detail about why I was having those feelings. “…because it will make people feel bad.”

  3. Something unexpected happen on the second step! It’s like my brain starting giving me an answer, that I had to quickly capture! “I will celebrate it to show that it’s possible. And to acknowledge those who have decided to join me on my journey. It shows me that this little experiment of stepping into something I love has actually been getting traction. That the writing, which I feel heart-led to share, has been resonating. I’m not following a sure-fire way to gain subscribers, I’m writing what feels right and have been taking opportunities to network when I can. That’s all and it’s helped me to reach my readers. So thank you! 🥰“

I continued it with other things I was feeling funky about and it worked for those as well!

Anyway, thought I would share in case others have something weigh on their mind that they can’t quite shake. 💕
