People who aren't ideologues and willing to explore ideas that might not immediately agree with. They may never agree with them, but they will find the explanation interesting.
Curious individuals who aren't just looking to affirm existing beliefs. Seekers.
People interested in critical thinking, but the real kind, not the one where people pretend they are “truth seekers” only to cherry pick.
People who have a healthy dose of skepticism but don't just disagree for the sake of it.
Thoughtful and kind people who come in good faith even if they disagree.
Individuals who don't immediately judge others for having a different worldview and seek to understand rather than judge.
Those who are interested in society and our role in it, culturally, psychologically, and philosophically.
Supporters of freedom of expression. We can recognize how some speech can present challenges without wanting to suppress it.
People who don't mind a bit of randomness from time to time.