
I am deep in grief and sorrow and despair at the sudden and unexpected loss of my sweet girl. This year has been an utter shit-fight, and my body, heart and mind are exhausted from being in constant crisis. Add to that the mess the world is in, the hatred and vitriol and lack of simple kindness, respect and empathy on a global, national and often community level and it feels like a swamp of sorrow too hard to wade through. My to-do list is long but feels pointless, and so today, again, I have lit some candles and will sit at my easel and pour my grief into pigment and transform it to love. Through curtains of tears I will try to find a way to ground and continue. If you are here in this swamp of sorrow with me, if your heart is broken and so, so tired like mine, know that I see you, and am holding my hand out for you to grab. Maybe it will be easier to put one foot after the other if we do it together.
