
Breathe Out

Our creativity is, of course, inherently linked to the health of our physical, emotional, and mental state. And yet, I, like many of you I suspect, have worked so well (good little cog - have a gold star!) in spaces and systems that have valued output, product and productivity above anything else, that as a full time creative now it is a constant process of unpicking that well woven weave to place value on self care as a foundation. I am being reminded that I am an organic being, with some very big health limitations and an ageing body and a hurt heart, not a machine, not a machine, and that does not always bring the comfort it philosophically should. Internal expectations and self worth can be tricky, can’t they. If this resonates with you, too, know I see you, I think you are incredible, and thank you for showing up in all your glorious humanity.

And since I don’t want to break the streak, here is another owl.
