
Breathe In

What are you finding wild beauty in today? 

The ducks are happy today, lots of rain overnight and early this morning, and the front lawns in front of all the little boxes made out of ticky-tacky all but browned off last week are vivid green today. My Galah are bedraggled, and appreciative of the seed. The figbird is calling and gobbling up the last of the mulberries that weren’t roasted or blown off the tree in this absurd weather - mid thirties one week, seventeen today (and much preferable to me). The weather is the atmospheric personification of the turmoil we are all feeling, embroiled in, on a global scale too, it seems. Certainly it is the chaos of my own internal weather. A large pot of potato and pumpkin soup is bubbling away in a soup pot I sometimes pretend is a cauldron. Dreams of a hearth in an old cottage in the dark of the forest heart, soup bubbling, bread baking, and pigment waiting to be splashed across canvas. I have all these things, except the forest, though they may not look like I imagine in my wild-heart. I am finding gratitude for them this morning, for the wild beauty of the rain, for the hard times that will lead to appreciating the good times more, for the music I have keeping me company, for the ideas that pour out of me even when anything else feels hard, and for you, here, with me.
