
Breathe Out

I don’t know who else needs to hear/read this tonight, but HEY YOU, you creative there - I see you, and you are freaking amazing. Thank you for bringing so much beauty into this wild world, especially when it feels hard.

Every word you write, every stroke of pigment, every knitted yarn, every shaped clay, all of it, is making this tough time a little easier - for you, I hope, but certainly for the people that get to see your courage and curiosity and feel a little bit inspired to maybe try it themselves.

I know as a creative things can feel very hard, the act of creating is a vulnerable one, but know you are seen, by one person or many, and what you do makes a bigger difference than you can know.

Time for a cup of tea and the pages of a book I think. Today was hard, but ultimately good, and I learned some things. I always think a day with learning is a good day.

(A white-bellied sea eagle in graphite for you tonight)
