
Breathe In

There are kookaburra cackling away in the background, and the cockie is finishing up his special sunflower seed offering. Sweet boy - he has my heart (and knows how to exploit it for more sunflower goodness). He is filthy dirty, so I know he has a nest close by. The sun on my skin this morning as I walked was such a balm - my fingers felt the cool of the morning (these cooler mornings will not last much longer), my eyes stung in the low sun, but my skin, oh, it felt like all my epidermis was turning sunflower like to catch all possible rays. Wearing black, my back was toasty warm on the return, absorbing the heat of that star so far away, all while seeing the fingernail moon in the early morning blue. Sometimes my mind finds it all but impossible to hold all these things at once. Feet walking on an Earth built from cosmos dust, a giant star bringing warmth and light, a rocky silver orb influencing my internal watery makeup just as she influences the great oceans. The profundity of it is immense, and full of perspective. For a moment anyway. May you find a minute or too to ponder your own existence and the enormity of being here at this exact moment of time. I am so glad you are here.

(and Happy Birthday to my brother today!)
