
Breathe Out

Creating is an act of courage.

Thank you for sharing some of the fears you have around your creativity. They are so universal, and yet we can feel so (so) alone in them. 

Lately I am all about the word (and action) curiosity

I feel like it is the solution, hmm, maybe not the solution, but a good way to move through (around, with) so many things. Perfectionism. Fear. Anxiety. All of these are things I walk beside (and sometimes struggle with) daily. But when I get curious, when I ask myself questions instead of being led by the big overwhelm and scary, well, they seem to lose some of their power. 

Fear is at the centre of so much. Don’t try to actively banish your creative fear. Don’t get mad at yourself, or berate yourself, or think (or say) that it is silly. Be curious. Ask questions about what is causing the fear, and why, and then be courageous and keep going anyway. Because we need your creativity so, so much.

How about a Golden Tamarin today? You are welcome ;)
