
My preliminary thoughts on the second attempted Trump assassination by Ryan Routh are as follows. It’s not really worth it’s own post but hits different angles:

  1. The attempted assassin was a Trump hater:…

  2. The attempted assassin’s Twitter was filled with pro-Ukraine messaging and he traveled there recently:…

  3. He volunteered in Ukraine:…

  4. Video of the guy:…

  5. He was in Azov propaganda videos:…

  6. He tried to recruit foreign fighters to go fight in Ukraine per this interview:…

Putting all this together: Routh was an unhinged nutjob and quite possibly worked with Ukrainian intelligence (and hence the CIA, who they report to). After all, the FBI/CIA got away with the first attempted assassination - why not try again? (Globohomo successfully buried the first attempt in the collective consciousness instead of highlight it, which is more evidence that the attempt was real.)

Now, why would they bother trying to kill Trump given the upcoming election will be heavily rigged and because Trump is also controlled by Jewish interests? After all, they can rig the election for Kamala, throw Trump in prison on fake charges, then go after any Trump supporters who resist just like 1/6. What’s the point?

Well, as discussed, Trump leads the nascent national counter-elite, which is anti-unelected civil service, pro-strongman and to some extent anti-egalitarian. This counter-elite is competition for the current national elite which includes the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, and other corrupt unelected civil service members. While both sides are subservient to the globohomo international elite, there is still competition on the national level. And it’s likely that current polling is very fake - who would vote for an 85 IQ unlikeable literal prostitute who got 3% of the Democrat primary vote in 2020, to continue the policies of Biden where real inflation has been 20%/year? Everyone is hurting financially - is anyone actually going to vote for her? They must be quite worried that they may not be able to rig the upcoming election enough.

I wouldn’t be surprised for there to be a third attempt.

6 replies
5 Restacks
2:31 AM
Sep 16, 2024