1. The inherent contradiction within this system: The system of financial parasitism only works so long as there is a host to consume, and the host, as everyone can see (white western civilization) is dying. Unlimited economic growth is also impossible in a world of finite natural resources and a greatly expanding world population as it hits up against neo-Malthusian limits.
2. The instability of the system: The central bank parasitical system is inherently unstable because it relies on constantly fooling the masses using endless fake media narratives in order to maintain their power. But over time the masses start waking up a bit (see Trump 2016) and it becomes harder and harder to maintain the illusion.
3. The necessity of elite consensus. The elites must always be striving toward something, some far-off end goal, in order to keep their coalition together. Without such an end goal they will end up squabbling among themselves and the project falls apart.
4. The goal: They want a more stable system where they don’t have to worry about the opinion of the masses and their rule will not be subject to being overthrown. In other words, their ultimate objective is not money but control. Money is easy to create out of thin air if they have control.
When one puts together the contradictions and instability of the system - both via increased populism and via decreased worldwide natural resources (#1 and #2), the necessity of elite consensus (#3), and the far-off goal keeping the elites together (#4), and it necessarily requires a radically different system than what we currently have. It requires the physical extermination of those groups with higher IQs who would balk at this system and it requires a much lower worldwide population.