The app for independent voices

As a counter-point to watching the wonderful Wag the Dog, I tried watching a couple highlight scenes of The West Wing (1999-2006) on Youtube. The show had a very large impact on liberal minds, to the point where modern liberals and establishment Republicans in DC act like they’re living out a West Wing episode everyday.

The scenes reek of Reddit-tier shitlib sanctimonious pigheadedness, of competence porn, a whitewashing of the neoliberal and ultimately neocon worldview through performative empathy. It was horrific and disgusting; I felt dirty and wanted to take a shower.

Maybe I should watch more of it to experience the horror of it more than just bits and pieces, but from the feedback I’ve seen about the show this energy permeates it throughout.

I rewatched Wag the Dog (1997) after having seen it more than twenty years ago. I remembered just the broad strokes of it involving creating a distraction away from a president’s sex scandal. Someone in one of my prior movie posts recommended it as a dissident film; I was skeptical of this given the liberal cast involved (Robert de Nir…

Oct 28
2:41 PM