
Great and important point being raised here - how to deal with UBI and inflationary pressures that may emerge.

My additional thoughts: I think the issue with inflation and UBI is that if everyone is given x$, then everyone has more money to bid up certain services - especially housing. Thus, for example, rents would increase by a significant proportion of the UBI transfer. We already observe this in the subsidized housing market - since mortgages in the US are subsidized, house prices are higher than fundamentals (rent flows). I think this is the issue with any money based universal system. Possibly a goods based one would be better, or a targeted benefits system.

Universal Basic Income versus Inflation
I was a huge fan of Universal Basic Income (UBI) when Andrew Yang proposed it in the 2020 presidential election cycle. He wasn’t the first person to come up with the idea, but he was the highest-profile US politician to seriously propose implementing it.
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2:38 PM
Nov 16, 2023