
The app for independent voices

Entire climate narrative shown up as a sham by Science Mag (AAAS--the biggest scientist organization in the US) and the WaPo. How long till everyone finds out?

Personally, I would rather be warm than cold and have plenty of CO2 for food plants to grow nicely. And I don't want a beach house or a house in a flood plain. I do like a fireplace or wood stove, and I don't like wind turbines all over the landscape. So there.

Don't worry, carbon climate action is just a false narrative to make our lives miserable. We are the carbon they want to reduce! ... to reduce the population to 500 million as written in the masonic Georgia guidestones:


There is definitely a man-made Climate Crisis, but it has nothing to do with so-called greenhouse gases, and everything to do with satellites, balloons and ground stations causing artificial drought by dissolving clouds with EMFs, and of course, other geoe…

Depopulation is definitely behind this whole "climate" scam

Also propagation of FEAR. "Be very afraid."

Nov 10
5:33 AM