I’m new to Substack, and my whole career (ok my life probably 😅) has been defined by my uncanny ability to know what other people want and make it for them. I literally get paid by other companies to tell them what to make and how to sell.

So when it came to my own work, I was so excited at the idea that this was my space to make things that delight me. And then I started getting more readers!! And then I started to worry if what I was making would be what they wanted. And I started making things based on my guess of what people might want from me instead of what I was feeling curious about.

I very quickly stopped having fun, and not long after that, what had seemed like an infinite well of inspiration dried right up.

I had to be really honest and recognize that I had started trying to productize my work by taking myself out of the equation — literally the opposite of why all those folks started following me in the first place 🫠

As soon as I went back to my pleasure, my love, my enjoyment, I had a big breakthrough about both my content and the value of my offer.

I also spoke with some readers who helped me connect with what they love about my work, and lo and behold, it was the same thing I love about it 🤪

Anyway, don’t forget to enjoy it — I love reading the work of people who are having an irresistibly good time.

You can find me here!


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Feb 3
2:19 PM