
A Movement Not a denomination…

We wrapped up the Mid-Texas Global Methodists Annual Awakening last week and I am still basking in the glow of all that God accomplished in our gathering.

I have resisted “charismatic” movements most of my 52 years on this planet. I fell in love with the Methodist Church in a high church setting and then found my way over the last thirty years to loving all kinds worship styles. Passionate worship whether with an organ, a praise team or a banjo is what my heart longs for, but there must be order for this Methodist.

Fast forward to the Mid-Texas Awakening. For the second year in a row, we have had “order-like” worship. But the movement of the Holy Spirit has been so tangible during the Awakening that I cannot deny the authentic enthusiastic expressions of people’s faith.

The Holy Spirit had every single speaker preach from Ephesians and Romans. It was not planned. It was not coordinated… God just led us all to the same place. Carolyn Moore said she wrote three sermons before the Lord was satisfied. The preaching and teaching was absolutely annointed.

The Holy Spirit led people to come to the altar and pray anytime they felt led during the weekend. Middle of song… there were people at the altar praying. Touched by the words of the preacher… there were people at the altar praying. Best of all with no planning or coaching… no one prayed alone. Once someone came forward someone would come beside them to pray.

The Holy Spirit led people, who had never raised their hands in worship, to raise there hands for the very first time. I had several older folks say they never experienced worship of God so powerfully.

The Holy Spirit poured out as we prayed for the generations of the church. Older praying for the young…. Younger praying for the older. Crying out to God to bless this generation.

The Holy Spirit poured out as we ordained 22 ministers. Tears flowed as this new ministers made sacred vows to God and his church.

I remember being a bit uncomfortable with all that God was doing at our convening Awakening Conference last year. Like our first annual awakening I was a still uncomfortable with all that I experienced, but I was sure blessed by it.

In processing my experiences this week, I wonder if what I am experiencing isn’t the difference between a denomination and a movement of the Holy Spirit.
