
May 9

To round-up the April’24 WEO from IMF a great podcast with its chief economist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, where he goes through the key take-aways of the report (already presented in a couple of previous notes) and how the report in itself is generated.

The soundbites of the report:

  1. Soft landing is here (against all odds),

  2. Higher divergence between advanced economies and emerging economies and even withing the advanced economies US. vs all the others - the regional reports thus are of mandatory reading,

  3. Inflation is being tamed,

  4. Need coordinate the fiscal policy (consolidation urgently needed) and monetary policy (where the is the opportunity to be more expansive with an eye on the inflation evolution).

Special highlight on Chapter 3 of the report where it tries to explain why the prospect of growth are slowing down → Chapter 3. Slowdown in Global Medium-Term Growth: What Will It Take to Turn the Tide?

Good 29 minutes investment with good insights.

The World Economic Outlook is more than projected growth rates. The research behind those projections tells the story of how 190 countries, slowly but steadily, found their way through the fog of the past few years to emerge a testament to the resilience of the global economy. Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas is IMF Chief Economist and brings together the multitude of analytics, data and insight that provide the signposts. In this podcast, Gourinchas says while the fears of a global recession have not materialized, the path ahead is not without obstacles.…

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4:54 PM
May 9, 2024