
Was reading a book “The Secret Language of Competitive Intelligence” and surprisingly enough was introduced to pointillism (painting technique), where Georges Seurat was one of its major exponents and its painting “Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte” a reference (see below YouTube).

How this relates with Competitive Intelligence? Well in fact very straightforwardly, as developing Intelligence is like creating a pointillist painting as the goal is not to create a perfect picture but a picture that is representative of reality. Each point (or datapoint) gathered individually might be worthless but taken several ones in the right place and together and if you give yourself time to step back, you will be able to perceive a clear picture and with that make an informed business decision!

A win-win, as I learnt about Intelligence and the same time art! Not a bad deal.

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5:45 PM
May 19, 2024