
Solar energy is really ramping-up in Europe making that in some markets and at certain hours the energy prices are going near zero due to over production.

These extremely low-price points show that there is a significant entropy in the system as the energy has to be consumed when produced, thus not maximizing the value of such positive development. to the overall energy market.

The 3 key areas that should be thought in order minimize the loss in the process are: (i) better ways to transfer the energy that is produced from overcapacity markets to other markets, (ii) incentivize energy usage to peak production hours, and (iii) ability to improve energy storage capacity.

The ability to fully use the new solar capacity needs to address these 3 key-areas, before increase the industry capacity.

Great read on the subject that I strongly advise!

Europe faces an unusual problem: ultra-cheap… from The Economist

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4:37 PM
Jun 28, 2024