
Tipping point definition- (i) the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point…[where] Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do or (ii) the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.

I would say that is the moment we stop being at a normal distribution and start seeing Power Laws in play and it is kind the holy grail for the prediction domain and applies from financial markets, economy evolution, book sales…. up to biology,

After the fact everyone could see it :-), but no one could detect it before (and the ones who could…were lucky).

At least up to now, as it seems some researchers in China were able to proof (study published in the Journal Physical Review X), that with the help of AI they could identify the tipping point ex-ante in complex systems.

Unfortunately, as in many AI algorithms only the algorithm knows what specific features and patterns allowed them to identify the tipping points, being currently the work of the team to try to understand what those are.

Nonetheless, something to keep your eyes on.

AI can predict tipping points before they happen…

from The Economist

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12:29 PM
Jul 21, 2024