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It just dawned on me: These trans-enabling professionals are like the "Angels of Death" (nurses in hospitals, sometimes doctors) who kill elderly people, imagining that they are doing the elderly people a favor. Both the trans-enabling professionals and the Angels of Death must necessarily be out of touch with reality and completely convinced of their mistaken ideologies.

I have recently had a frustrating exchange with a correspondent of mine. He is gay like me. When I described transgender …

I'm never terribly surprised when gay men support the trans movement.

Because it was assumed that drag queens were gay -- and especially because it was the drag queens who mainly fought the police at the Stonewall Inn -- a lot of gays accept drag, and trans is just a short step from drag. But to me, drag is just a misogynistic minstrel show (thanks to the commenter here who turned me on to that very appropriate description). Gays accepting trans people is like natural women accepting trans women; there really is no commonality. Much to my surprise, some years …

I have read in many gay publications (before the trans fad) that drag queens were a big part of the rebellion at the Stoneall Inn. I've read that more than once. I don't think that most drag queens see themselves as "trans", but I can imagine that trans women might see them as kindred spirits. "the guy that was there for it" -- not sure what that means. What was Fred Sargeant there for? According to his Wikipedia article, he was walking past the bar when he saw what was happening.

When I got to the Village a few years later, the Stonwall Inn was an eatery that served food kept in steamer trays, which you purchased and brought back to your table.

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Sep 29, 2022
12:57 AM