"We must accept the resulting multipolar world, regulated by UN Charter! We are still an innovative nation - GPS, Internet, AI etc. WE INVENTED! "
Frenchman here. I'd like to stress that this statement you made is a sign of US blindness. For in fact, the US did not quite invent those things. GPS? Yes, American development, but France developed the first similar constellation 15 years before, it was the ARGOS positioning system, still used to help rescue ships at sea. Less precise, unfit for all the advanced uses of GPS, but the same stuff actually, only with earlier technologies and capabilities. Internet? The IP protocol was invented by a British engineer working at CERN, an international institution based in Switzerland and France. Also, France had its own Minitel network, using different tech but meant to allow instantaneous computer-based communication, which was in widespread use in French households several years before the US military started sharing its network tech with a few university labs. It's also France's Alcatel, formerly a state company, who invented the ADSL protocol which made fast internet for all on a worldwide scale possible. AI? Well, Alan Turing was not American, and many researchers from many countries developed AI.
My point is this: the US once had real talent to find revolutionary use for technologies being developed elsewhere, and to put in the necessary resources to turn those technologies into meaningful social and economic change. That's quite an important talent.
Unfortunately, the narrative that came to fill the brains of American people was much simpler: "we invented it". And therefore, "we" can do it alone and others must follow. The problem with this narrative is that you did not invent it, and therefore you'd do much better to acknowledge the role of others and to keep working in good cooperation with others, than to treat them as inferiors and to think you can do it alone.
But the saddest part of this story, is that American elites were the ones to believe the narrative to the fullest extent. It made them so full of themselves, that they are now incapable to see how mistaken it is. So instead, some other power will have to demonstrate that they can do it better and faster than the US. That's what China has been working on for 3 decades. And contrary to the US, they at least do it with a discourse towards others that's all about sharing the benefits of their effort. I do not claim that the Chinese are sincere, but that is what they tell their friends. The US does not even do this any more.