
I am blessed I don't go to the Mall or Supermarket anymore. Nor do I watch television or go to the movies, nor do I watch sports. As for the NFL, it is 100% rigged. Back in the '80's I used to idolize Randall Cunningham, the Eagle's Quarterback. Now I can see that his "career" was a creation, not the result of athletic prowess. Look at the wide angles of his plays. Freeze frame them on YouTube, and you can see all the non-tackles, the non-blocks, and the non-interceptions. Oops.

I suppose I coul…

another Mission Accomplished, though the outfall is yet to be completely determined and worth bearing in mind, if the stats are true, 6 billion fully jabbed with SOMETHING. why I am thinking Aliens. if only the jews would wake up to the conspiracy. (and of course ask 'us' to save their asses too, like in Gaza now). OR it is 'only' a jewish big grab for global agendas. and hope that like the , Neil Young song Why Do I Keep F*king Up . too soon to tell . maybe just Satan stirring up the melting pot, drumming up anti semitism (rightfully responded to as so often in history), and one hope God gives a shit, or his Son still has his ear on our behalf.

1 Reply
Dec 16, 2023
12:00 AM