Dr Piers Robinson 

Dr Piers Robinson is a co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, Research Director for the International Center for 9/11 Justice, co-editor of the Journal for 9/11 Studies & co-editor of Propaganda in Focus.
Someone is sponsoring an entire programme dedicated to preparing for future engineered pandemics.

The truth about what happened on 9/11 is becoming ever more exposed. See the latest interview with former Congressman Curt Weldon, h/t International Center for 9/11 Justice

Former congressman Curt Weldon slams deep state, calls on Trump to reinvestigate 9/11
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Mistakes were NOT made.

This Daily Telegraph article is getting lots of praise and comments like ”I can’t believe they printed it”.

But I’m finding it difficult, well impossible really, to like it.

I think observing people’s reaction to it is a really good way of seeing where they are at on the entire Covid operation.