
The app for independent voices

The first journal I think I ever had, I was in 3rd grade, and it was one of those “composition books” with the black and white splotchy covers. 

I’ve always loved writing in a journal. And now, I’m gonna start posting some of that writing. I’m gonna call it Joe’s Journal, at least for now…

🔴 I’m starting a new thing..

You shouldn’t finish every book you start.

Abandoning a book is not an admission of failure—it’s a sign of wisdom. You’ve decided to let go of sunk costs.

The purpose of reading is to be entertained and informed. If a book doesn't bring joy or insight, it’s time to move on.

Zelenskyy’s great address in response to Putin’s statement regarding the ceasefire proposal.

“Right now, we have all heard from Russia Putin’s highly predictable and manipulative words in response to the idea of a ceasefire on the front lines—at this moment he is, in fact, preparing to reject it.

Of course, Putin is afraid to tell Presiden…

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Chris Hedges: On the Precipice of Darkness

I’m Jewish. I did my PhD at Columbia. I graduated January 2024.

You know what made me feel safe? Solidarity between Palestinian and Jewish students protesting the genocide of Palestinians by Israel in Gaza.

You know what makes me feel unsafe? Fascist presidents using my identity to further their agenda.


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Join the most interesting and insightful discussions.

You have been convinced that you’re powerless. And you’re not.

Robert Reich has Election Denying post, Aug 10, and some fanatical liberals. Read commies, although they might not identify as such.

At 1100 pm Central, 54 min, I'm posting this onto Rob's post unless SIM Comm asks me not to.

Enjoy. I have quite a few interactions on his posts recently. Better to fight, truth... Than kumbaya bullshit

So as Weissman was Mueller's "pitbull," so Mr. Raymond is ours!

You humble me, Mr. Staples. It's really an anger problem, well and I hate deception.

1 Reply
Aug 12, 2022
3:55 AM