I’ve explained a thousand times over the course of years why that speech was necessary - it was practically word for word what I wrote for my speech in Washington in the fall. Europe has been instituting a gigantic anti-democratic mechanism and we needed the US to withdraw from it, which is what Vance did. I find it hard to believe a rea…
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If I were Brett Veach, Part 1 is here! I wrote about how the NFL’s salary cap works, why cash spending matters just as much despite not being talked about nearly as often, and how the Chiefs can buy themselves plenty of cap space if they’re willing to spend cash in 2025.
I was literally about to type "but not Kate Bush, right?" as I read the paragraph before the one where you talk about ‘But Not Kate Bush’ Syndrome. OK, maybe you're right, and maybe I've got it. But I'm not seeing it.
I see it with Bowie (who I also used to love, and now cannot listen to except maybe some of his later "poppier" stuff) and…
Thanks for the serious write-up. Unfortunately most people who were happy to scour Thompson are equally flippant about Luigi.
It's hard to say whether any real good will come from this assassination. It was justified and necessary IF AND ONLY IF it accomplishes something.
It's too bad that the kid is so thoughtful that he has no natural tribe (as you mention). If he did he would already have his cheerleaders (as I scathingly predicted when the news of the killing first broke ydydy.substack.com/p/br…
Why on earth would anyone believe anything good will come from vigilante assassination? The only possible result of this will be more vigilantes kill more people, and those people may or may not be the kind of victim you like.