
I have a few thousand subscribers, I experience people who write silly or rude critical things but then adjust their comment demeanor upon negotiation. I do not ban any polite view points unless they seem to purposely overload the comment section. Did you try to negotiate with this guy (I didn’t see that) and why did you delete my first comment suggesting to negotiate first? That is the best way to upkeep free speech.

I notice you have now blocked me from commenting on your post. That is ok and I will let my subscribers know your ss is not a fan of free speech.

This is the comment you banned from Freedom Fox…(Banned)


“I believe everything I read on Twitter. /sarc

You have competing sets of information that you get to choose to believe.

This is a test. I've been to Burn. In these conditions. The pictures in the stories I share, as well as the livecast tell me enough. And the fact that ETD only shared the shelter-in-place BM messages without full context like I share Exposes The Darkness of this fear-mongering post. If it was really what is claimed in the tweet then the story teller wouldn't need to shield readers from context of the rain and amplifying the caution messages without that context. That is a meaningful omission of a substantive fact. Which is a hallmark of a disinformation campaign.

I've liked ETD's shares before. But this intentional skewing of a story without giving a truthful backstory makes me question ETD's motives. Now read with heightened skepticism. ETD, you're tracking this comment thread, why not address the lie of omission about the conditions at Burning Man right now? It's not a small, inconsequential detail.”
