The telling propaganda habits of fake freedom Drs and other pundits:
Doesn’t talk much about, or uses abject denial that there is no-virus.
Avoids all discussion about the index genome of Sars-CoV-2 in the Fan Wu paper that was a software fabricated registration, not a virus, and avoids FOIA responses on these topics.
Makes posts that are too complex. This is called, “complexity diversion”.
Ingratiates certain groups especially Christians.
Gives good info but says crazy things like “reptiles”, or acts strange-called, “discredit by association”.
Over-focus on patents rather than reality.
Belief in GOF (bioweapons), ADE, or false positive tests (suggests there could be a true positive). This is called “fear mongering with complex science”.
Wants to sell you meds and supports early treatments that are probably dangerous.
Mentions anything about vaxes making variants, asymptomatic cases, monoclonal antibodies etc. and fear mongers with viruses & immunity-because there are no viruses thus none of these phenomena can be true.
Knows a lot about DARPA, weaving in how they are, “good guys”.
“The Sacrifice Fly” (aka “indoctrination in stealth”). Topic A chimes in with a nefarious truth (like a large essay on EMFs as dangerous), but weaves in a false topic B here and there as a truth while avoiding the real truth behind it (like stating climate change is true though it is not and avoiding the nefarious plans behind it). So they sacrifice outing topic A as dangerous to subtly promote topic B.👉People have trouble seeing this one because they have chimed into supporting and trusting the speaker on topic A.
The audience believes a reporter about neutral or truthful topics A, B, and C, so they think this reporter is a trusted source. Later the trusted reporter brings up a drug they are touting that is actually a hidden poison. This is the, “bait and switch-a-roo wolf in sheep’s clothing trick”, just about the oldest trick in the book.
The Cesspool Makers: There are a few types of these:
People who want to debate you, not to win, but to spin the debate into chaos so you look bad and that leaves some lingering doubt about you and the topic in the reader.
People who are probably assigned by their handlers to go into your comment section, or to respond to a comment, and make nasty and voluminous remarks.
👉The solution to any of these attacks is to first, always do it on a post or platform you control. Copy and screen shot all the comments. Make a title or intro to the section in big and bold letters that you are under attack, by who, and call out their purposely making a cesspool as a strategy. If they delete their comments you can repaste them on comments you control from the copies you took. You can easily win the logic & reputation game using these methods. Good luck!
Pundits who clamor:
“Your winning! We’re winning!! Their losing!!!……their being prosecuted, yeah!………..later………aw shucks, we lost after all, we were so close guys…what a bummer but thanks for playing along with that BS, we love ya!”
Plugs reptiles, interdimensional beings, aliens, heavy paranormal stuff, etc. This is “poisoning the well” (making any conspiracy theory seem nuts)-also called “discredit by association”.
Obsession or strong insistence that Jews are responsible for various global crimes when it has become common understanding that the global crime syndicate has faked being Jewish for generations, and that 99.999% of millions of Jews are just as much a victim as everyone else. If you recall that these criminal fake Jews force injected Israelis with Covid vaxes leading to large numbers of deaths and illness then you realize that the so-called Jews in authority can not possibly be affiliated to the Jew on the street, ergo they are “Jews in name only”. Did you think the U.S. politicians pushing vaccines on Americans are the same as Americans on the street? If so, I’ll sell you my WEF membership for half price.
Making posts or vids where key words promoting some narrative are interwoven and may be repeated frequently. For example, repeating the word “infection”, “virus”, or “terrorist” in a talk that is not on the topic related to these words as a way to weave indoctrination of certain mind-sets and/or behaviors favorable to the propagandists.
Making many excellent analyses of past events then someday changing to illogical positions that agree with official narratives that promote corporate interests, social control, dangerous medical policies/treatments etc., and oppose more clearly rational persons and ideas.
Most importantly, fake freedom fighters don’t make lists of propaganda tricks like Proton Magic does 💕.