
Some persons seem unaware of why the group of “Health Freedom Fighters” are not on the side of the common man because they will actually dissuade some persons from getting jabs. The problem is these are far fewer than those who will and will continue to get ongoing jabs, and those who will get toxic “anti-viral” medications. I will explain here.

You have to see it from a "pie-slice game" perspective. Their target is not those in the know like us, their target is neither those who will vax no matter what. Their targets are those on the fence. They promote ADE, variants, Long Covid and Natural Immunity-all which require belief in a virus. This will push those on the fence into the "just in case, I'm getting a vax", or "I'm getting early treatment (like IVM, HCQ and other toxic and/or tainted drugs) fear mode. They sacrifice losing some would-be or one-time vaxers who look further into the truth but GAIN & RETAIN more vaxers in the fold. Its not a zero sum game (they do not need 100% of the population to get a jab to win the game), IT'S A SACRIFICE FLY: you at bat lose, but the guy on 3rd goes to home and that is more important.

There is also another closely related element, which is they take up almost all the alt-media bandwidth from the no-virus truth. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS.

Propaganda Summit Season!🗞️
Proton Magic has no time to go over all the crap you have spouted to the public over the last 4 years...