
Dear Greg, this is good info as always! Pls be honest though, Alex Jones, obviously was Bill Hicks, and promotes partial truths and tries to change our cognitive direction with the fake bioweapon distraction, having obvious intel agents like Steve Pieczenik give deceiving info (like Trump will be elected in 2020). Besides David Icke, who was a clear NWO agent in his early days and still is a discredit by association mind bender with his nonsense reptilian stuff, none of you guys talk about the fact that no Sars virus was ever found, it is not a bioweapon as another cognitive manipulating interviewer on Info Wars Francis Boyle keeps spouting, and anyone with good intelligence can read the Fan Wu paper and understand this. And I have given it to you many times, it only takes 20 min to understand…

and you have never commented on this, the most impactful paper of all time on the fate of the human race, the fulcrum of what has let to injecting billions and killing tens of millions from shots. Neither have you have mentioned the Grand Solar Minimum we are now in that is behind all the migrations OUT Of the equatorial areas, and the impetus to decrease the population. and many other articles.

Greg, isn't your employer a big weight in the cognitive influence game you just made a video on? If you wish, you can ban me for this comment. That will be fine and show exactly how inconvenient speaking openly about these things are. That won't stop me and other from restacking your posts to my nearly 4,000 subscribers and others from taking it up. I hope you will be honest and fess up to these factual topics or you can continue to ignore me and hundreds of others who know these stories. Up to you of course.
