
Her handlers and ghost writers now have her jump off the deep end with extra dimensional and extra terrestrial spookiness to discredit herself and the other nanotech info she gives. The propaganda trick, “discredit by association” which will help discredit any non-official narrative.

I hope she has her Annunaki ID with her when they come and ask for her papers. Oh, it’s on the backside of her CIA ID.

Declaration Of Spiritual Independence And Sovereignty Under God's Highest Law. Appeal To The Highest Divine Principle Of Creation. Freedom For Humanity And Ending Of The Earth As A Prison Planet
Declaration of Spiritual Independence It is Divine Law, that you must tell your enemy what you are planning to do. If the enemy does not act and does not protest, the offense may go without Karma. This is believed so by the highest Satanic Governance in this dimension and the extra dimensional overlords, including Satan, the Reptilians, Greys, Archons an…