Celia Farber supports subtle but clear virus pushers, Yeadon, RFK, Duesberg, etc. and “the never mention the no-virus truth” Greg Reese. Read text and comments. (all copied, and in case they are deleted I will repost).

Mike Yeadon speaks with clarity. He uses the right word, always. He does no hedging, nor does he hide behind “man-of-science speak.” He speaks like a human being. This is why he is dangerous, and why he is censored even by “our side.” In the late 80s and early 90s, a massive, cy…

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I’m Being Censored by What I Thought Was Our Own Side.”
I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public