What is Reese doing with his spin-on-a-dime no-virus push finally 4 years after the pandemic was called almost to the day, and >3 yrs since the deadly vax was rolled out-ergo most everyone got it so it’s a bit late?
Well I’ve been telling him for a few years there was no virus and usually get a nasty reply like, “don’t tell me how to run my reports!”.
We know that Reese, and where he contracts at Info Wars, have specific reporting strategies that often seem strange and unhelpful to the common man.
So these are some of the choices of what is going on:
His prior post last week was a big parasite push and anti-parasitic drug sales post,
gregreese.substack.com/…maybe he knows that was too much too fast and wants to gain more no-virus credibility before edging to the parasites again?
Is there a plan to someday say, “the no-virus people are crazy radicals, I know I was one of them.”?
Is he planning to foment the virus-as-bioweapon people to start arguing with the no-virus people? This would be a good way to discredit the no-virus people.
A combo of the above choices
He has honestly come around to no-virus? I don’t think so, he has been so aggressive to myself and other no-virus people up to recently,
never showing inquisitiveness to the rational, and pushed parasites on his first venture into no-virus reporting.
Sudden flip-flopping is a common tool of elite propaganda, beware.